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Basic Info
Total Time: 4 Hours
Preparation Time:
Cooking Time: 4 hours
Nutrition Info:
- 1 whole chicken
- 6-8 cups chicken stock
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- 1 clove of garlic, minced
- 3 carrots cut in chunks
- 1 bunch cilantro chopped
- 1 cup cooked rice (optional)
- 1 tomato diced
- 1 avocado diced
- Cheese for topping
- Tortilla strips
Place whole chicken (innards removed if they came with them) in the crock pot. Lightly salt and turn on HIGH for 4 hours. When done, carefully remove chicken and place on cookie sheet (there should be some chicken stock left at the bottom of the crock pot). Let the whole chicken cool until able to handle. Carefully tear off cooked chicken meat and return to crock pot, ensuring no bones make it in. Discard bones.
Add chicken stock to crock pot. Next add onion, carrot, garlic, cilantro and rice. Cook on HIGH until carrots are tender, about an hour or two. Serve with avocado, cheese and tortilla strips.
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6-8 cups chicken stock
1 medium onion, chopped
1 clove of garlic, minced
3 carrots cut in chunks
1 bunch cilantro chopped
1 cup cooked rice (optional)
1 tomato diced
1 avocado diced
Cheese for topping
Tortilla strips","Directions":"Place whole chicken (innards removed if they came with them) in the crock pot. Lightly salt and turn on HIGH for 4 hours. When done, carefully remove chicken and place on cookie sheet (there should be some chicken stock left at the bottom of the crock pot). Let the whole chicken cool until able to handle. Carefully tear off cooked chicken meat and return to crock pot, ensuring no bones make it in. Discard bones.
Add chicken stock to crock pot. Next add onion, carrot, garlic, cilantro and rice. Cook on HIGH until carrots are tender, about an hour or two. Serve with avocado, cheese and tortilla strips. ","NutritionInfo":"","mynote":null}],"User":null}