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How to Deal with Difficult Bedtimes with Toddlers

8318648875_b8629ffd64_qEvery parent will understand the true meaning of sleep deprivation and, at times, it may seem like you will never get a full night of sleep ever again. After the first few months of adjusting to night wakings and your baby finding a natural sleep pattern, things should have settled down and you will have enjoyed at least a few nights of good sleep each week. As your toddler grows,it can be a little harder to establish good sleeping patterns and there will be times your independent toddler will struggle to get to sleep. We take a look at the best ways to encourage your toddler to get enough sleep and how you can combat difficult bedtimes.

Stay Calm

3001885130_396871e53a_qThe number one thing that you can do for your toddler is to enjoy a calming bedtime routine together, so as to avoid your child feeling stressed about bedtime. It is important to establish a natural routine for you and your toddler, starting from the early days after birth. We are not talking about strict eating or sleeping times, but a relaxed routine to wind down your day. All families will be different and will choose to start their bedtime routine at different times, but it is important for children to recognize when it is time to wind down. Bedtime routines can enjoy quiet playtime after dinner, maybe a puzzle or some drawing, followed by a warm bath, bedtime stories, massages, and a goodnight kiss. Allowing your child ‘down time’ and making it a relaxing and enjoyable experience will not make bedtime a bad thing.

Do not be afraid to change your routine

Whatever routine you adopt should be one that suits your family and it may not be to everyone’s taste but, that is ok, it is your family. If someone does suggest an idea that you like, don’t be afraid to give it a go but don’t be afraid to give up something that is just not working for you. If a bath makes your child feel lively, then move it to the morning time and replace evening bath time with an extra story. You may also need to adapt your routine if your child gets older, for instance when they start pre-school they may want their bedtime routine to start earlier or during holidays you may want more time together as a family before bedtime.

Plenty of Exercise

4386655766_281e5249e9_qIf you find that your child is just not able to drift off to sleep at night, they may have excess energy that they need to get rid of. This does not mean that you should encourage your toddler to get active in the hour running up to bedtime, this may make them more awake than ever. You will want plan activities throughout the day, lots of running around the park or active playgroups. Swimming is also a great activity for children, so if your little one is really struggling to get to sleep a short swimming session before teatime may be beneficial.

Talk through fears

If your toddler is at talking age, it is important to listen to his/her fears by asking simple questions. If your little one feels able to confide in you, rather than feel that he/she has to do what you say, they can tell you what is wrong, whether it is worrying about monsters or thinking that they are missing out on what is going on downstairs. You may find out that something simple is bothering your child and that you sleeping problems can easily be fixed.

Adjust your expectations

When I am feeling stressed about my daughters sleeping habits, I always try and put myself in her shoes. If you think about it, us adults often have periods in which we struggle to get to sleep or experience hot nights when we wake up to take a drink. Babies and toddler are people, just small people, so remember to give them a break and not to get beat yourself up if they step out of their routine for a week or two. You may hear other parents bragging about their toddler sleeping 13 hours a night and may be jealous about how your friends child falls asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow, but everyone is different. By relaxing of an evening, your child will pick up on your sense of calm and follow suit.

Follow these top tips and you are sure to have your toddler sleeping like a baby again!

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Image Courtesy: Amanda L, Kristen J & stashabella from Flickr

Save Your Child's Artwork Online!

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Deb GiannasiDeb Giannasi

Deb is a mum of one, who loves to read, write and cooks lots of delicious food. Deb can play a mean game of scrabble and is a little too obsessed with donkeys! On a serious note, Deb is passionate about improving literacy and encouraging learning trough art and creative play.

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