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How to Remember Books You Have Read or Want to Read for books allows you to save your favorite books and book recommendations from others.

3 Awesome Books from Authors You've Never Heard of

Here are 3 good examples of awesome books from authors who don't make sell millions of copies (but probably should).

Boost Your Child's Self-Esteem: Books That Inspire

Books are magical! They transport us into the lives of characters, drawing us in and letting us live with them for a while. Start your child on the road to reading!

3 Books Too Scary To Read On Halloween

Halloween, a time for ghosts, vampires & zombies; when we like to be scared & seek the thrill of fear. We can read something that will chill us to the bone.

7 Books Every Man Must Read

Those who think books are a girl's best friend obviously don't know that there are many great books which are a must-read for men. Here are 7 of the best.

Mid-year Bait for Bookworms 2014

Great books from the first half of the year that have been released and a few more books with anticipated releases.

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