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10 Cool Ways You Can Use

Whether it is saving a restaurant recommendation, importing a recipe, remembering a wine your like, finding an album or one of many other tasks, here are a few great ways you can use to remember the things that are important to you.

What is Remember Stuff?

Remember Stuff is a set of free online tools to help you save time, save money and make life easier. It's like mission control for your life. Easily save "to do's" and checklists. Save your favorite recipes, restaurants and wines. Save and remember you child's favorite moments.

Why use 14 different apps when you can use one free one?

Scott BarnardScott Barnard

As founder of Remember Stuff and a father of 2, I know what it's like to try to juggle family life and work. Hopefully, the tools on the site help you to save time, save money and Make Life Easier!

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