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Bess Kalb.A buffalo's posturing is exposed when the rain falls. (Ages 4 to 8)
Adam Wallace.This is the year you'll finally catch a leprechaun. (Ages 4 to 10)
Emily Winfield MartinA celebration of future possibilities. (Ages 3 to 7)
Adam Rubin.What to serve your dragon-guests. (Ages 3 to 5)
Joe BrummBingo wants to do a big girl sleep and wake up in her own bed. (Ages 4 to 8)
Wendy Loggia.A biography of the pop star. (Ages 4 to 8)
Suzanne Lang.Jim Panzee catches a bad case of spring fever. (Ages 4 to 8)
Drew Daywalt.Problems arise when Duncan’s crayons revolt. (Ages 3 to 7)
Mary Man-Kong.All of the "thrillifying" things about Glinda. (Ages 2 to 5)
Drew Daywalt.When Green crayon goes on vacation, how can the crayons pull off St. Patrick’s Day? (Ages 4 to 8)